Site Survey with Lexul Field Service

What is a Site Survey? A Site Survey is an examination of a location or place in order to find pertinent data and information that will be necessary for the job task at hand. This examination is used for estimating quotes and cost, finding before and after energy rebates, finding the correct materials that are needed, planning the scope of work, as well as estimating the amount of time needed to complete the job task.

But why are they important?—you may ask. A site survey prepares the technicians for the job that they will be performing. For example: for an HVAC Survey, the examiner may collect unit size, duct information, mounting height, location of unit, etc. These details set up the technician for the best service outcome and highest quality of performance. Really, the importance of a site survey is rather easy to see.

The importance is also in the “how”. The issue can come when you are looking to record these specific details with consistency and efficiency. Where do you store this data? And, how do you record this data? On paper, in your head, or by telling them to another employee

There’s a Better Way

Lexul Field Service has a better way. By using tailored field categories, this allows you to get accurate data with each survey that is completed. Fields can be changed based upon the service that is and will be carried out. Just simply reach out to support to configure or edit any site survey. When editing an existing site survey, this change will not affect surveys that have already been assigned to other work orders. 

Lexul Field Service site surveys can record and support these field types: 

  • Text Fields 
  • Lists
  • Numerical Fields 
  • Paragraph Texts 
  • Pictures

These fields have the following options:

  • Multiple entries that allow for multiple entries within the same field
  • A list of choices for the user to choose from
  • Before and after work options

The goal is having the best data possible to carry out the highest quality of service.

See this sample spreadsheet of a site survey with multiple field options. 

Within Lexul Field Service, we have integrated the site survey directly into the work order for a streamlined result. There is no need to switch directions when examining a job site. Stay within the Lexul Field Service app to stay in the work order, and achieve the smoothest workflow possible. 

Choose Lexul Field Service, a cloud based all-in-one platform to achieve greater heights of efficiency and workflow today!